



2024-07-20 01:29:38 来源:网络


can't wait 后跟动词什么形式? -
接英语动词不定式,即to do 的形式.比如:I can`t wait to play computers .我等不及玩电脑了,
所以应该接to do,而不是doing.wait词汇解析wait 基本词汇英[weɪt]    美[weɪt]v. 等;等待n. 等待;等候She has impatience to wait for the bus.她没有耐心等公共汽车到来。wait a moment等一会儿wait a whole day等了一整天好了吧!


can't wait 后面接不定式can't wait to do sth 还是接动名词can't wa...
can't wait to do sth 因为本来wait的结构就是wait to do sth 还有不懂的请追问哦,希望能帮到你!
是can't wait to do。示例:We can't wait to get started. 我们迫不及待地想要开始了。wait读法英[weɪt]v.等候;盼望,期待;推迟,延缓;(已备好)可处理,可取用;(用于鼓励或威胁)等着;(用于打断讲话)等一下,慢着;服侍,招待词汇搭配:can't wait for 迫不及待;等不等我继续说。
can not wait后面跟动词什么形式 -
答案是:后面跟动词不定式can't wait to do sth ~手工翻译,尊重劳动,欢迎提问,感谢采纳!
首先我们来看下can't wait to do sth.和can't wait doing sth.的大致意思:can't wait to do sth.:词性为短语,can't wait to do sth. 是一个固定搭配,表示非常期待做某事。can't wait doing sth.:词性为短语,can't wait doing sth. 是一个固定搭配,表示非常期待做某事。通过下面的等会说。
I can't wait to do还是can't wait doing -
"Can't wait to do sth.":表示迫不及待地做某事,强调期待和渴望。quot;Can't wait doing sth.":不是一个常见的表达方式,没有明确的释义。例句:A: I can't wait to see you again!(我迫不及待地想再次见到你!2. 语法区别:quot;Can't wait to do sth.":使用不定式形式(to + 动词还有呢?
1、是can't wait to do。没有can't wait doing sth这种用法。2、原因:wait 大部分情况作不及物动词,特别是和for连用,for后面接等待的人或物.如:We are waiting for his answer.wait也可以接不定式;不定式表示目的,不是宾语。例:We are anxiously waiting to hear from you with reference to等我继续说。
can't wait to do还是can't wait doing sth? -
是can't wait to do sth,没有can't wait doing sth这种用法。wait大部分情况作不及物动词,特别是和for连用,for后面接等待的人或物。wait也可以接不定式,不定式表示目的,不是宾语。wait作及物动词用,其含义往往有推迟行动,等待机会到来的意思,不能接that从句,所以应该接to do,而不是doing等我继续说。
can't wait to do 是迫不及待而can't wait doing 是情不自禁的意思,